Leading telecom company Ooredoo is embracing collaborative working for 2017 unveiling a new collaboration suite at its HQ in Qatar. This features wireless content sharing, real time ambience adjustments through an IoT operation and two SiliconCore Magnolia 1.5mm LED video wall displays.

This direct view solution is the first of its kind for an indoor conference room application, with the tight LED pixel pitch making this possible. Integrator Technomight managed the whole refresh project working closely with Ooredoo, who after scrutinising all the products through a competitive evaluation process, selected the Magnolia 1.5mm displays personally.

Two Magnolia video walls feature within the room, each wall being 2.9 metre x 1.7m metre, both wall mounted on a SiliconCore lightweight frame with front service accessibility.

Shehzad Hussain, AV Design Consultant, Technomight explains:

“High brightness was a key consideration within this project to ensure engaging content and a superlative experience for decision making. SiliconCore was the only manufacturer that could facilitate this thanks to its unique Common Cathode technology and patented driver chip.”

The space is used for a diverse suite of applications, from monitoring control systems and operations through to conferencing, live document annotation and graphics processing. Multiple picture-in-picture and video streaming are also common uses and with so many participants wireless content sharing and touch control facilities were integrated in the project.

Steve Scorse, VP of EMEA for SiliconCore comments:

“As well as reducing pixel pitches to make close proximity viewing within a collaboration environment possible, we have also been focused on the developments behind the scenes. Our driver chip makes it possible to maintain the high brightness and dynamic contrast even as multiple feeds of content including videos are played, with four times the processing speed of competitors.”

Technomight ensured easy remote control through an IP-based solution. For the video wall display, this means that users can distribute as many as eight applications in configurations of their choice across the wall. This also allows proximity-based IoT scenarios to adjust the room with changing dynamics of unified communications based on individual’s presence in room.

A SiliconCore Orchid 1.9mm Full HD resolution display also features in the same building within a prominent coffee shop, bringing live large screen television to the cafe. SiliconCore will also be installing two more Magnolia 1.5mm displays within the lobby of the same building in February. One display being a 5.8 metre x 1.7 metre Magnolia wall and one 2.9m x 1.7m Magnolia wall.
